Honorary Citizen of the Great State of Texas Certificate
This is perfect for your VIP's and convention attendees...you can make sure that everyone has been Texan-ized before the meeting begins. This certificate was created by us here at the Texas Trading Post and it's exclusively ours.
And it'll make a great gift for that favorite non-Texan friend of yours, too! The certificate reads:
GREAT STATE OF TEXAS "Honorary Texan Citizenship" Awarded to
"The above named, having been captured and captivated by the Spirit of Texas: Having been duly convinced that TEXANS usually understate simple unadulterated truths; Having admitted that there is no place that can or will claim so many things to be bigger, badder, bolder, hotter or colder, wetter or dryer, better or worse; Having sworn to spread the basic truths of Texas far and wide; By authority duly invested in the undersigned, is hereby presented with this certificate."
Underneath, there's a place for the "Authorized Texan" (you) to sign the certificate, as well as the date!
Measuring 8.5" x 11" it's printed on heavy card stock and is suitable for framing! Comes with an envelope, in case you want to mail it.
On the back of the certificate is a brief 101 course on Texas - important for our new Honorary Texans to know!

Please note our calligrapher has retired and we are no longer able to print on the certificates. You can take it to a local printer and for a very nominal cost they can do it for you.